Pure joy for skin care – concept and campaign study
Permamed AG from Therwil is one of the last independent pharmaceutical companies in Switzerland. Accordingly, product innovation must be high and marketing activities must have a direct impact. The company is roughly active in two business areas, medical dermatology on the one hand and skin care on the other.
The skin care sector is to be given a fresh image and made attractive for future generations of customers. This also includes strategic considerations around new markets and new distribution channels. As a basis, a brand design is to be developed as a guideline for all future communication activities.
The Skin Care products have a variety of designs and are already available on the market. Due to different product backgrounds, there are also different lines within the skin care sector, which only partly overlap. A possible redesign and repositioning must also take place without breaking with the existing customer group.
At the beginning, potentials, limits and unique selling points were crystallised in various workshops with the internal art director, marketing and product development.
Based on these analyses, possible options for new guidelines were developed step by step. Summarised in a concept and campaign study.
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