Promotions and information surrounding a healthy capsule


OMEGA-life® by Doetsch Grether provides optimal nutritional supplementation of omega-3 fatty acids, EPA, DHA and vitamin E throughout Switzerland. Omega-3 fatty acids are indispensable for the brain function and a healthy heart. Omega-life® offers 5 different products, including a variant for vegan nutrition, which are available in retail and specialist shops.


OMEGA-life® is one of the leading brands for nutritional supplements. To maintain this leading position, we remind consumers to keep OMEGA-life® on their shopping lists by running seasonal promotions and digital campaigns combined with POS activities. Through informed scientific articles, we also contribute to raising awareness among nutrition professionals on an ongoing basis.


Now Werbeagentur AG

St. Alban-Vorstadt 19 | CH-4052 Basel
+41 61 264 95 95 |